Saturday, December 18, 2010

Marss 2.majas -veebr'11

Mars in the 2nd House,
activity period from 18 December 2010 until end of February 2011

A willingness to share *
Valid during several months: At this time you are inclined to identify your ego with what you own and what you value. You may consider your financial position to be a sign of your personal worth. If you have money, you feel that you are a good person. If you don't, you feel bad and discouraged, quite aside from anything you have accomplished. You act as if you are what you have. You may become overly touchy about your beliefs, opinions and desires in some area and get into arguments about their merit or worth. On the other hand, you are willing to use your possessions to get work done. If you have something that can help you accomplish a task, you will use it. Once you have got over petty ego problems with your possessions, you will allow others to use what you have, so long as they acknowledge your willingness to share.

1 comment:

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