Thursday, November 12, 2009

Saturn sekstiilis Asc, kuni august 2010

Saturn Sextile Ascendant,
activity period from 10 November 2009 until end of August 2010

Weighty concerns ***
Valid during many months: At this time your avenues of communication with others are stabilized and solidified. Also you will probably create a set of fully formulated goals and expectations for the next several years. Therefore it is very important to take this time very seriously and be very aware of what you are doing, because the patterns that you establish now will be very hard to alter and will determine the success or failure of your relationships over the next several years.
It is very important to learn other people's views of you as a human being and as a member of society. But this does not mean you should take everyone's words at face value and deny all your own beliefs. You may have an exaggerated respect for someone else's views and give them more credence than they are worth. You should simply talk to the people whom you personally respect and use what they say to help you come to conclusions about yourself. Older people may be especially helpful in this process.
Because of the weighty concerns that are occupying your mind at this point in your life, you will prefer serious work and the company of serious people. Of course, at times you will want to relax and enjoy yourself, but generally this is a period when discipline, organization and growth are your paramount concerns.
If you don't handle this influence well, you will have considerable difficulty with your relationships in the years to come. And these difficulties will be the result of unfortunate patterns established now. The border between discipline and habit is often hard to distinguish, but that is precisely the difference that you have to keep in mind at this time. Habit is mindless and unconscious, whereas discipline is self- imposed and suited to achieving your goals.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Kuu konjunktsioon Veenusega
Tundsin end kontoris tõesti väga sõiduvees ja hea suhtlejana, huumorimeelega ja innustavana.

Marsi sekstiil MCga, 2.nov.2009-aprill 2010

Mars Sextile Med.Coeli, , exact at 00:33
activity period from 2 November 2009 until end of April 2010

Moral support
Valid during many months: Although you can work effectively with people now, you do not feel dependent upon them. You present yourself as an independent, self-reliant person who is willing to help others and to serve the larger society. As a result you are able to obtain material backing from others, as well as moral support. You could never do this as easily when you feel that you must have the assistance of others in order to succeed. Your confidence in yourself makes people feel confident in you. The clarity with which you see your objectives enables you to plan very thoroughly and decisively. You plan a course of action and follow through on it directly. There is no need to act covertly or deviously. When it is necessary, you do not shrink from a confrontation with someone.

Saturn Conjunction Mars, ,
activity period from end of October 2009 until beginning of August 2010

See on sageli suurte muutuste periood, mil tunnete nagu jookseksite peaga vastu seina. Kuid samuti võib see olla aeg, mil te lõpetate suure hulga raskeid ettevõtmisi. Kõik sõltub sellest kuidas te oskate selle transiidi energiat kasutada. Peamiselt on see energia pärssiv, kuid sel võib olla ka korrastav iseloom, kui te ei püüa tegeleda liialt paljude asjadega korraga. Transiidi negatiivne külg on see, et ta võib põhjustada tugeva ärrituse, tühiseimgi asi võib teid masendada ja kahjuks seisate ju silmitsi mitte ainult tühiste asjadega. Teile näib nagu oleksid inimesed ja asjaolud teile takistuseks kõiges mida püüate ette võtta. Tööl võib teie ülemus seista vastu kõigele, ka teie ideedele, ilma et ta seda põhjendaks, või ta kuhjab teile nii palju tööd ,et teil ei jää üldse aega millegi muuga tegeleda. Aeg ajalt satute teravatesse vaidlustesse teistega ja teil võib tunduda, et kõik teised on teie vastu, kuid tegelikult pole see päriselt nii. Tõenäolisem on see, et isegi teie parimate kavatsuste juures kiirgate välja mingit energiat, mis teistele mõjub ähvardavalt. Teiste vastasseis tuleneb sellest, et nad püüavad teid peatada. Isegi kui teil pole kavatsust teisi ähvardada, peate väga jälgima end, et inimesed ei tunneks end ähvardatuna teie poolt. Võite ka sattuda teiste agressiivsuse ohvriks ilma, et annaksite selleks põhjust. See transiit võib kahjustada ka teie tervist. Võivad esineda õnnetusjuhtumid, eriti luumurrud, liigeste põletikud ja reuma. Kui teil on tendents sellistele haigustele, siis hoolitsege enda eest sel ajal. Probleem seisab selles, et teie energiad on piiratud. Marsi energiad tahavad tegutseda igas suunas, kuid Saturn tähendab piiranguid väljastpoolt. Peaksite tegelema ainult asjadega, mis pole liialt laiahaardelised, vaid nõuavad suurt kontsentratsiooni. Kui kontsentreerite end kitsastele ülesannetele, siis see energia võib olla väga loov, kuid kui te võtate ette kaugeleulatuvaid plaane, siis saate tunda selle transiidi halvimat mõju. Tuleks mainida veel üht ohtu. Marsi ja Saturni kombinatsioon selliselt võib tähistada külma, julma viha, millest peaksite hoiduma. Kui vihahoog aga siiski peale tuleb, siis paisake see energia välja, sest kui hakkate seda jõuga enda sees hoidma, võib see mõjuda teie tervisele. Vahel aitab sel ajal tegelemine füüsilise tegevusega, kuid mõõdukalt. Kuid vahel siiski tuleb sellisel juhul ka teiste peale välja valada. Siin peate ise hakkama saama. Ärge olge trotslik ja kibestunud, isegi varjatult, muidu võite sada samasuguse vastuseisu osaliseks teiste poolt. Kui te aga üldse sel ajal ei ohjelda oma tundeid, siis võite langeda teiste julmuse ohvriks. Nii, et ettevaatust.

Uranus Opposition Saturn, ,
activity period from end of April 2008 until beginning of January 2010

Valid during many months: During this time the structures that you have built up in your life will more than ever be challenged by circumstances. Areas of your life that you think are reliable and dependable may cease to be, and you will be forced to make a lot of changes. It is likely that you will feel a strong sense of uneasiness, because you don't know quite what to expect next.
What is happening is that all the hidden tensions in your world are being released. They may be released in a relationship, even to the point that one of you suddenly breaks it off, or in business, where a problem suddenly surfaces between you and your employer, or even in your body, where tensions that have long been hidden and ignored could cause nervous problems.
During this time you may discover that you actually don't know what you thought you knew. This influence reveals aspects of life that you haven't considered at all, usually by creating a sudden event that does not fit into the pattern of your life. This is happening now, largely through encounters with others in close relationships or with enemies.
The physical tension that this influence can give rise to is one of its more difficult manifestations. The tension can become so great that you could develop a psychosomatic illness or a bad case of nerves. To avoid this, try to get in touch with the problem that is causing the tension and release it. You are much better off in many respects if the manifestations of this influence are not in your body but in the outer world, because there you can deal with the source of the tension. Bodily tension is only a response to the tensions you feel in dealing with the outer world.
But you are not being "hurt" pointlessly. This influence is letting you know that you don't have all the answers about reality and that there is still room to grow. Look at the situation that way and assimilate what you are shown. The more you resist and try to deny what happens now, the more difficult this time will be.

Chiron Square Uranus, ,
activity period from end of April 2008 until end of December 2009

Valid during many months: A series of sudden and unexpected events will probably strain your nerves to the utmost, making this a difficult time. This is most likely to happen if you have spent the last few years trying to please everyone. Any turmoil in the outside world is merely an indication that you have been seething inside for quite some time. Although it would be understandable if you now felt like packing everything in, this is certainly not the best solution. You will find it hardest to tolerate hypocritical and sanctimonious behavior - whether your own or others'. It is therefore important to clear the air and to honestly consider which aspects of your life reflect your authentic inner nature.
This influence will help you to scrutinize your ideals and visions, and to take your leave from those which are no longer relevant to any important decisions you have to make. For example, you might find that a political party or like-minded group of people of which you were once a member has lost its appeal. A clear decision to take all your imperfections seriously, and not to make lazy compromises, can be both healing and liberating, helping to give birth to new things in your life.